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Classic  Scalp Treatment


First time special: $108 
Full price: $168
Time: 90 min

This is an upgraded version of the "Scalp Treatment", consisting of five steps.
The two additional steps are as follows:
Deep follicle cleansing (new step): Targets deep cleansing of hair follicles, removing dirt and sebum that block the follicles, reducing inflammation, and creating a conducive environment for healthy hair growth.
Stimulating hair growth (new step): Uses specific growth stimulants to activate the follicles, promoting hair growth and strengthening the roots for healthier, more robust hair.



Scalp Treatment​


First time special $78   
Full Price: $118
Time: 60 min

This holistic treatment seeks to improve overall head health. It uses our 3-step process, including treatments prepared from Fleeceflower Root, Rehmannia Root, Chinese Angelica Root, and other well-known Chinese herbal medicines, and combines these with specialized head massage techniques to activate acupuncture points and open up the head meridians.

全息头疗旨在改善整体头部健康. 它使用我们的三步工艺,包含 由羊毛花根、地黄根、中国当归根和其他知名中草药精制成的药汤护理流程,并将其与专门的头部按摩技术相结合,以激活穴位并打开头部经络.


Pressure Relief


First time special: $88
Full Price: $128
Time: $60 min

A deep cleansing of the scalp combined with special scalp massage techniques to relax tight head muscles and improve micro-scale circulation. It can alleviate head and scalp health issues and also combat oily scalp. This relaxing treatment is suitable for most individuals and is recommended regularly to help maintain healthy hair and a healthy scalp.

该头疗项目可以深层清洁头皮, 并结合特殊的头皮按摩技术, 放松紧绷的头部肌肉, 有效对抗油性头皮,改善微尺度循环. 同时,可以缓解头部和头皮健康问题. 这种放松型护理适合大多数人群, 建议定期使用, 以帮助保持健康的头发和健康的头皮.

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Deep Clean


First time special: $88
Full Price: $128
Time: 60 min

The hair follicle deep clean treatment cleans out clogged hair follicle pores, fights harmful microorganisms, and promotes a healthy scalp ecosystem.  Specialized treatments are applied to improve scalp and follicle inflammation caused by unbalanced microorganism growth. The root of hair care is scalp care, and the root of scalp care is caring for your hair follicles.

养发之根在于养头皮,头皮之本在于毛囊. 毛囊净化,清净毛囊口堵塞物,抵抗有害菌群平衡头皮健康生态环境. 改善因头皮菌群失衡导致的头皮炎症、毛囊炎等问题.


Scalp Nourishment

First time special: $88
Full Price: $138
Time: 60 min

Exfoliate and hydrate your scalp with this rejuvenating treatment. Perfect for persons with scalp damage due to chemical treatments, coloring and perms. This scalp nourishment treatment lets your scalp drink to its fullest, while promoting an oil water balance, and repairing scalp damage. A scalp massage is followed by our signature scalp treatments and a thorough cleaning.

全新润养头皮舒缓轻盈, "喝饱水”的头皮膨出"水光肌”.


Add ons: Hair Hydration

​                 发丝水养

( This service is an additional offering provided on top of other basic services or products.                  此服务是基于其他基本服务或产品的基础上,额外提供的附加服务。)

First time special: $38
Full Price: $68
Time: 30 min

The hair hydration treatment is designed to rejuvenate hair and fix dullness, lack of shine, dry hair, split ends, broken hairs, knots and tangles, and other issues. It is especially effective for hair damaged by perming, straightening, coloring, or chemical treatments. Usually combined with one of our other signature treatments, hair hydration utilizes specialized treatment products, combined with hair steaming. It fortifies and strengthens hairs to prevent future damage, while leaving your hair soft and supple, silky smooth and full of glossy shine.

改善烫染损伤发质, 减少脆弱断发, 令秀发清润亮泽、柔软顺滑、强韧发丝
适宜人群: 因发丝拉染烫受损而出现发丝干枯毛躁、分叉易断、打结、暗淡无光泽人群.


Hair Fortify


First time special:$138
Full Price: $208
Time: 90 min

The hair fortify treatment delivers specially selected plant extracts directly into the hair follicles to thoroughly clean them inside and out. The specially selected extracts provide essential nourishment to the scalp and hair roots to stimulate hair growth and strengthen hair roots. This can help prevent hair loss and help maintain a strong and healthy head of hair. This treatment is especially recommended for persons experiencing hair loss or persons with long hair. Scalp massage and treatment applications are followed by a thorough cleaning.

富含植萃精华. 渗入毛囊, 洁净毛囊的内外环境.
释放能量元素, 补充头部所需要的营养.
促进毛发的生长及巩固效果, 强健发根强韧发丝.
功效: 防脱止脱、强健发根、强韧发丝.


Scalp anti-aging


First time special:$188
Full Price: $328
Time: 120 min

One of our most popular treatments, the scalp anti-aging treatment has been designed to rejuvenate your aging scalp and is recommended for most everyone over the age of 25. It can help to relive tension in the scalp and head, reduce hair loss and grey hairs, stop flakes and overgrown cuticles, clean out clogged hair follicles and reduce inflammation, stop scalp itchiness, reduce oiliness, and improve an overly sensitive scalp. A hair and scalp inspection is followed by a customized treatment session to improve your specific hair and scalp issues.
Signs of an aging scalp can often be discovered through massage. Muscle knots in the scalp tissue or a scalp that is too soft or too hard are common signs. As well, patients with an aging scalp will often exhibit grey hair over the ears, or hair loss on top of the head or at the hair line above the forehead.

头皮抗衰护理是我们最受欢迎的治疗方法之一, 旨在使您的老化头皮恢复活力, 推荐给 25 岁以上的人群.
它可以帮助缓解头皮和头部的紧张, 减少脱发和白发, 阻止剥落和过度生长的角质层, 清理堵塞的毛囊并减少炎症, 停止头皮瘙痒, 减少油腻, 并改善过度敏感的头皮. 头发和头皮检查之后是定制的治疗过程, 以改善您的头发和头皮问题.


Get in touch to discuss your personalized beauty regimen.

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17801 Pioneer Blvd
Unit H
Artesia, CA 90701
United States


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